Logo shirts are in!!
HI.. I've been working on a logo for my project and I had it embroidered on some shirts and hats. They came in while I was on travel for work this week. I got home today and got to check 'em out. Very cool. I feel more and more official every day. I've put a few layers on #7 over the past two weeks, but the going is slow when you go on travel. I'm about 2 layers from the end of #7. Also, I ordered some wood last Sunday thinking it would take a month to get it like last time. Well, it shipped on Tuesday!! So, I should have my new wood just when I finish the diaphragm I'm on. Cool. I also opened a separate checking account to keep the donations separate from my personal funds today. All and all, pretty productive. I'll post a pick of Pete and I with our shirts and hats this weekend.