The Sirius Project

A Replica Adventure

​This is a project website covering the construction of a historic aircraft replica and my plans to recreate the epic flight Charles Lindbergh took in his Lockheed Sirius. Check out the history, my blog, and the construction log.

These sponsors have provided support to this project. 

Disclaimer: While I, C. Todd Hunt, am an employee of Lockheed Martin and the aircraft I'm replicating is of a Lockheed aircraft, I am pursuing this activity as an individual and not as an employee of Lockheed Martin. This activity is not sponsored by or affiliated with Lockheed Martin.

John Oder - Plans and loads of building advice. Check out his website at

Tom Hauter - Fellow builder, building advice. 

 Jimm Johns - Engineering support

Brian & Pam Senjem - organizational advice. 303-618-7287

Allen "Big Al the kitty's pal" Haid and Sandra Cummins-Haid

​Call Charlie White at 303-733-3130

​Call Charlie White at 303-733-3130