Here I am, right in front of the real Sirius.
Hi, my name is Todd Hunt, callsign CTodd. While I like to think of myself as an adventurer, my adventures for the last 10 years or so have been centered around my kids, mostly watching them play hockey. My personal adventures aren't record breaking, but, at least to me, were beyond what some folks consider as normal. I've owned two aircraft and flown both of them across the country. I started a business with one of them, an antique biplane, selling rides. As a Marine navigator, I've flown to many parts of the world to include Japan and Europe. I've hiked on the Appalachian Trail, in the Olympic National Forest, and in the Colorado Rockies and I've run a number of races including a marathon.
I'm interested in many things. In fact, I probably have too many hobbies. I built a shop in my backyard in 2003 to satisfy my desires to build things in wood. I've made many pieces of furniture for friends and our family. When I lived on the coast, I sailed boats and wanted to live aboard.
The hobby list is very long, but I've been fascinated with flying for the longest and most intense. When I thought of this project in 2004, I thought I would run into an insurmountable obstacle or find that someone had already done it and move on to something else, but 10 years later, I still think about some aspect of this project everyday. I spent most of that time trying to find sponsorship for the project because I don't have big bucks laying around. So far, that hasn't happened, but I figure, I might as well start. Maybe the sight of a real airplane coming together in my shop will inspire others to chip in. Donations are welcome.